7 Best Free Drupal Themes For Your Blog Site

7 Best Free Drupal Themes For Your Blog Site

I’m sure if you ask any website developer around the world, they will unanimously agree that WordPress is the most popular content management system available in the market at present. However, it will come as a great surprise to many when I say that Drupal has undergone significant levels of maturity and growth down the years as far as their design quality, performance, stability, and power are concerned.

If you wish to make use of the open-source Drupal content management system, either for your professional or personal blog, then there are a number of Drupal themes that you can work with.

Here we take a look at a few of them, all of which include such impressive features such as font integration, image slideshows, multi-level drop-down menus, Google Fonts, and responsive layouts.

Classic Blog theme

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A great looking Drupal 7 theme, Classic Blog features a minimal, sleek, and extremely clean design. Nevertheless, it has a pretty elegant and modern look about it. The Classic Blog theme comes with a very minimalistic design which makes it an ideal choice for entrepreneurs, freelancers, portfolios, and bloggers.

Drupal Nexus theme

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With elegant looks and a flat responsive design, the Drupal Nexus theme has been designed and developed by the Devsaran community. The theme easily fits in for all portfolio, small business, or blog sites, apart from a whole host of other choices. The design features flat elements in the navigation, buttons, and header sections. With functional, modern, and an elegant design, the clean elements can be easily understood while making website navigation seemingly a pleasure.

Meedjum Blog theme

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With the Meedjum Blog theme distribution, you can set up a new blog site in the Meedjum style design. Basically, what it does is create an article content type, design a listing view, and adjust a couple of other settings. In the end, you get a simple, beautiful out-of-the-box blog to work with.

Gratis Drupal theme

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A free Drupal theme with which you can set up your blog site, Gratis offers a number of predefined color schemes for you to work with. It also comes with such features as optional breadcrumbs, a sticky footer section, font integration, and a responsive website layout.

Impact theme

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This theme is a responsive multipurpose theme used for designing Drupal 7 blog sites. It has been created keeping in mind the prevalent looks on a large number of different websites. A completely responsive theme, it has been tested for optimal performance on iPad and iPhone devices. Impact theme is a great option for all-round usage and can benefit projects of every type.

Corked Screwer theme

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Developed by the More than (just) themes community, Corked Screwer is based on the homonymous PSD template which was originally designed and published by Vladimir Kudinov. The theme has been ported over to Drupal and is one of the best themes made available by the Drupal developer community. It also features a responsive grid layout.

Writer Drupal theme

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As far as developers of blog sites are concerned, they require a blogging theme that is not only stunning and simple to work with, but also draws the attention of the readers to the quality of code and writing. Three basic design principles went into the development of this theme: a brutally simple design, fantastic typography, and support for code snippets. An HTML5 markup and responsive layout are some of the impressive features of this theme.

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