Comprehend your holiday shoppers with better tactics

Holiday shoppers

The majority of online stores are aware of ‘who’ the target customers are. But for many of us, its a guessing game as to what comes to understanding the ‘who’, ‘what’ and ‘when of the customers’ data in real time. With all the data available to us, knowing how to analyze the data by extracting it from the actionable insights is difficult. The best way is to put yourself in the mind of your customer at every step of the buying cycle. And successfully doing so would enable you to understand who is visiting and who is there to buy, what marketing campaigns should be run to be attributed to the traffic and conversion, understanding the correct time for the customers to not only visit but to make a purchase. With the proper understanding of these things, you can approach your customer in the most effective way possible, that also for the biggest shopping season of the year.

What does the data tell you:
1. Who are you marketing to?

Understanding who your customers are may actually help you out and help you segment the groups during the holidays to initialize the site traffic, overall revenue and also the order value or your product and service.

With the approaching biggest holidays of the season, here are the following questions which need to be asked to gain proper knowledge about your clienteles:

  • Who is making the last minute purchase?
  • Who are your store’s holiday shoppers?
  • What are the products your target market is abandoning?
  • Which segment among your customer base is abandoning the products?

2. What strategy worked and what didn’t?

Start simply by understanding the prevailing demographics of the customer’s product data and purchase through conducting customer surveys, online resources, tracking tools, for a quick overview. Get the insights from your last year’s strategy which worked well in the holiday performance. Take a deeper glance at:

  • Male Vs Female- Buying habits
  • Age wise purchase value
  • Most effective abandoned cart offers
  • Most successful gifting recommendations
  • Free shipping promotional offers

By taking a look at all these, you can understand who your shoppers are and what products channels are diving site traffic followed by revenue, are they opting for.

3. When is the correct time to start marketing?

When it comes to generating holiday sales, its all about timing. Interesting and catchy offers should start by September end and run through even the last minute shipping deals in December. Use your store’s data to function when you reach your key selling dates. For many stores, online retailers notice an average increase in Cyber Monday revenue of 21 percent compared in 2012 and for many other stores, Cyber Monday and Black Friday of Internet sales ate the key selling seasons.

Have the right tools and expert CMS developers, can help you with professional services as you will be able to tap the target customer as per your wish.