Comprehend your holiday shoppers with better tactics

The majority of online stores are aware of ‘who’ the target customers are. But for many of us, its a guessing game as to what comes to understanding the ‘who’, ‘what’ and ‘when of the customers’ data in real time. With all the data available to us, knowing how to analyze the data by extracting… Continue reading Comprehend your holiday shoppers with better tactics

Things About Drupal! What Makes It An Ideal CMS Platform

There’s nothing more dynamic as a framework like Drupal! Don’t believe it? We’ll give enough reasons to! Prior to a website or web application development, enterprises or organisations are faced with a critical challenge of picking the ultimate CMS among the wide number of options in the market. While it mainly depends on the type of website… Continue reading Things About Drupal! What Makes It An Ideal CMS Platform