Converting an HTML Template into Concrete5 Theme

Most designers tend to lean towards well known CMS as Joomla, WordPress, rather than choosing something unknown to them. Don’t change the way you work as you will now be able to convert your HTML into concrete 5 themes within a few minutes. The tutorial of how to ‘concerte- ize’ an HTML theme based site underlies below: So: src=”js/file.js”… Continue reading Converting an HTML Template into Concrete5 Theme

What Makes Concrete5 The Right CMS For Your Website?

An open-source management system, Concrete5 was created in a bid to allow publication of content on World Wide Web and Intranet platforms. The main objective behind its design was to allow ease of usage for the customers who lacked sufficient proficiency in their technical skills. Concrete5 is a wonderful piece of software: extendable, easy to… Continue reading What Makes Concrete5 The Right CMS For Your Website?