Tips To Help You Develop A Better Responsive Website
Responsive website design has become the new “must” in the Web development and online marketing industry with companies loving the idea of seeing their website resized so as to fit into the screen of any device. However, does that necessarily mean that the mobile website you have come up with is good? In most of the circumstances, it has been found to be just another longer and narrower website!
Everyone loves using a Website that is built separately and optimised for use on mobile platforms. However, the layout for designing a responsive site can also be created by using the same HTML coding used in developing desktop-based sites while integrating a number of smart solutions and additional techniques to give the responsive website a further interactive feel. In order to develop an effective responsive website adopt some simple strategies like considering the page layout, implementing a simpler design, reducing the time of load, using geo-location features and different strategies for developing page content. Take some time off to consider why any user would be accessing your website from a phone and develop the content likewise for easier accessibility and improved prominence.With these additional considerations, you can make your mobile website a better responsive page to visit for your prospective clients and customers.
• Sticky headers:
Ask yourself, is it worth taking up the screen space of your mobile users all the time? A sticky header of reasonable size on mobile phones should be around 45-60 pixels which is the most comfortable size that the finger can tap on. On a mobile screen, every single pixel is of immense value. A suggested practise is to implement a “scroll up” button in the corner which makes for a much better alternative to putting a sticky header on the mobile device of your user.
• Native Device UI:
It does not make for a cool user experience when the website takes over the UI on the native device. A UI is always customisable but ensure that the device responds natively to this customization. When they do, they usually make for a great design and offer perfect optimization for the mobile device.
• Adop a non-scalable design:
With this approach, you can prevent the occasions of an accidental zoom in on your webpage, either while scrolling or by means of various other hand gestures. It also prevents off-canvas menu popups that are responsible for unwittingly stretching your screen. Ensure that you do not have any content that would require your viewers to zoom in/out else you are hampering interactivity on your site. If such a thing is required, then add any gesture functionality such as Pinch to Zoom on your webpage.
• Momentum Scrolling:
Momentum scrolling gives a smooth and enjoyable experience to users who wish to scroll through content on your webpage. Upon flicking the screen, the page continues to scroll and gradually slows down as the effect of the animation sequence wears out. Apply CSS to the page elements where you wish to enable this form of scrolling to enable the feature.
• Adopt the adaptive touch:
If your website has a very complex structure, is loaded with heavier content, provides specific functionality or if you are already aware that there will be some difficulties when you look to share similar HTML structures, then consider adopting an adaptive design for your website.
By implementing all of this added functionalities, you can ensure that your website proves to be highly responsive on all mobile platforms.