Woocommerce 2.2: Announcing The Arrival Of “Prowling Pangolin”

Announcing the new release

With the release of the Prowling Pangolin, it marks the latest milestone in the lifetime and growth of Woocommerce. Following months of development, testing, tweaking (followed up with some more testing) the development team has finally come up with this new release. This follows on the heels of Peppy Penguin with Woocommerce emerging as the fastest growing eCommerce platform in the world.

New features in Prowling Pangolin

Among the many updates and fixes that have been bundled into this new release version of Woocommerce, the pangolin boasts an array of new features that help in making the daily store management tasks far easier for the store owner.

Customer refunds made easy

Woocommerce now comes with a refund processing feature. This makes it easier to process refunds for the customers, whether partial or full. If you have chosen a payment gateway that supports refunds, this eCommerce development platform will serve you no ends by making automatic refunds to the customers. On the other hand, the new version is integrated with an intuitive interface that makes refund processing a matter of just a few clicks.

It speaks your language

The developers believe that it is extremely important to let the site owners experience Woocommerce in their native tongue. To this end, significant improvements have been made in the way the eCommerce platform makes use of the languages.

If you make use of WordPress in some language other than English, Woocommerce will be able to detect the change. Eventually, it will download the translation file in the desired language if it is available in the list of languages made available in the latest version of this development platform.

Improved stock control and order management

In order to support the partial refunds feature, the total panels and order items have been combined. The result has been a simpler and more user-friendly order management screen.

Moreover, the Prowling Pangolin allows stock management options to be set at levels of variation. Such options as backorder support gives users far greater control over stock than what was previously observed.

With an admirable adjustment, Woocommerce is now your new friend

PHP development company

One of the most exciting announcements coming in through the new Woocommerce version is the inclusion of the Simplify Commerce service by Mastercard payment gateway directly into the core functionalities of the eCommerce development platform. Simplify Commerce allows receipt of payments to be made extremely easy across a number of major brands. Furthermore, it is integrated with some of the popular Woocommerce extensions such as Bookings, Pre-Orders and Subscriptions.

The latest version of this eCommerce platform is also a tool that comes with a small adjustment in the Mijireh Payment service inclusion page. This is now a free extension that is available for Woocommerce.

Websites that are running on the older version of Woocommerce and making use of the Mijireh Payment Gateway service can upgrade to the latest version with a simple one-click installation that will allow all payments to be up and running with secure system backups.

At one stage of time, developers may be inclined to ask themselves, “What is it that makes the pangolin prowl?” The answer is a simple one, it is thanks to the community of contributors and geeks on GitHub- 270 of them to be precise.

The Woocommerce 2.2 Prowling Pangolin is now available for download through the WordPress admin dashboard. Hurry, get your’s today!